Third-Round Remarks from Scottie Scheffler (-10) 72-65-63--200

Q. Tough news that we all got today about the passing of Grayson. Can we get your thoughts on that?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, obviously the news hasn't really sunk in quite yet, but I'm thinking about his family and praying hard for all of them. I can't imagine how difficult of a time this is. I got to know Grayson a bit better over the last six months or so and, yeah, really just, there's not really a way to put into words how sad and tragic it is, but I'm thinking about his family.

Q. 7-under today, excellent round. If we can get some comments on your play.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I played nicely today. I got off to a pretty good start, had some nice up-and-downs there early in the round. It was nice to keep a clean card today, for sure. I definitely, for sure, had some key up-and-downs to keep the round going, then I had those nice birdies coming down the stretch to move up the leaderboard a bit.

Q. Three back right now. Second place. Talk a little bit about being in contention here at Colonial.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: It's nice. Going into today I wanted to post a good number. I didn't obviously know what the leaders were going to do, but just tried to do my best to not look too far ahead and continue to go out there and execute and try and give myself as many looks as possible.

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